Forests and Climate Change

How is climate change impacting forests and how do forests affect climate? Welcome to learn about this on the course Forests and Climate Change. In this course, you will delve into the multifaceted relationship between forests and climate. We will explore the basic concepts of climate change while gaining insights into real-world forest management practices.

Learning goals:

  • To understand various climate impacts of forests, including carbon sink, albedo effect, aerosol effect, and water-mediated effect.
  • To be familiar with the real-life decisions and forest management practices done related to forests and their impact on climate.
  • To know how to critically examine public discussion on the roles of forests and forest management effects on climate change.
  • To reflect on different values related to forests.
  • To be able to explain the linkages between forests, climate change, and biodiversity.

Course level: Bachelor/Master

Pre-requisities: No pre-requisities

Scope: 2 ECTS

Available languages: English

Authors: University of Helsinki, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Natural Resources Institute Finland. The course has been produced by funding from the European Union – NextGenerationEU instrument and the Research Council of Finland (grant 347782)

Where to study:

  1. University of Helsinki. Course code: ATM397.
  2. Open access materials: link available soon

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