What is the role of communication in solving the climate crisis? ClimateComms.now course dives into the importance and challenges of communicating about climate change and covering the factors of effective climate communication. The course uses a practical approach through various activities.
Learning goals:
- to identify the different forms of communication related to climate change
- to understand and critically analyze factors that are characteristic to climate communication, giving its appropriate relevance despite the challenges of the topic
- to learn about issues that affect the messengers and recipients of climate change messages
- the keys to effective climate communication
Course level: Bachelor
Pre-requisities: Climate.now or basic knowledge about climate change
Scope: 2 ECTS
Available languages: English and Finnish
Authors: University of Oulu and University of Helsinki.
Where to study:
- University of Oulu. Course code: 766382A
- University of Helsinki. Course code: ATM382
- Open access materials